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Letters of NY
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Creating a communicating architecture
While walking around in NY, I had an idea in my mind, that I wanted to start there and finish at home: to take photos of streets and reduce these images only to the typography later.
We all have ideas in our minds how certain cities look like and thus we also project them onto the city when walking around in it. Nothing really attracts our attention, because there is so much we can see; our senses are often distracted by lots of other influences. By reducing our perception, we can open up possibilities to discover something new – even if it’s several months after walking in the city.
While drawing, often I can “read” my images but sometimes the letters are too small and I can only guess from its shape or the surroundings what it could mean. I started thinking more about the places I walked past – possible stories, theories and questions come up in my head.
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Letters of NY
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Creating a communicating architecture
While walking around in NY, I had an idea in my mind, that I wanted to start there and finish at home: to take photos of streets and reduce these images only to the typography later.
We all have ideas in our minds how certain cities look like and thus we also project them onto the city when walking around in it. Nothing really attracts our attention, because there is so much we can see; our senses are often distracted by lots of other influences. By reducing our perception, we can open up possibilities to discover something new – even if it’s several months after walking in the city.
While drawing, often I can “read” my images but sometimes the letters are too small and I can only guess from its shape or the surroundings what it could mean. I started thinking more about the places I walked past – possible stories, theories and questions come up in my head.
I can only read “oldest gunshop” but the end of the sentence is hidden by something. Probably the oldest gunshop in Littly Italy I suppose, expecting that there are some other gun shops in Manhattan and the owners just want to brag. On the one hand the fonts and everything look quite long-established, on the other hand lots of shops and restaurants use this type of “typical” american typefaces. I google the gun shop and read that it’s the oldest gun shop in New York and might even be the oldest one in the USA. The imaginations from my point of view are not always realistic.
What kind of shop owners would use their handwriting to anounce the opening of the shop? Maybe it makes sense because it works in this specific area and they had no other idea but to write it on the left-over neon paper that they are also selling in the furthest corner of their dark shop. Is their business going well and who are the owners? Why is the food in the restaurants often described as “good” on the outside? An italian restaurant calls itself “Italian Restaurant”.
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise indicated, all materials on these pages are copyrighted. © Copyright: Julia Schubert 2023
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise indicated, all materials on these pages are copyrighted. © Copyright: Julia Schubert 2023